Timbercon Funds Oregon Engineering Scholarship


Timbercon, Inc., announced today its participation in the AeA American Electronics Association) Technology Scholarship Program, funding science, technology, and engineering students education at Oregon public universities.

“Timbercon is eagerly aow, President/CEO, Timbercon, Inc. “I have personally benefited from a quality Oregon public university education, and as a business owner, my company’s growth and success depends on a quality local workforce. This is such an easy method to invest in Oregon’s future.”

To date, Oregon AeA members have sponsored 175 scholarships totaling over $1.5million for students from all over the state. By sponsoring these scholarships, AeA members demonstrate their commitment to improving higher education in Oregon.

For additional information about AeA nticipating the commencement of this year’s scholarship program. This is a win/win opportunity for us to promote and contribute to the success of Oregon’s higher education system,” states Eric MeslTechnology Scholarship Program, contact Jennifer Bosze at the AeA Oregon Council office, 503-624-6050 or via the web at http://aeascholar.ous.edu/

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