LECC Local Emergency Communications Committee
A committee of the Federal Communications Commission. The LECC is what was formerly called the Operational Area Emergency Communications Communications Committee (OAECC). The LECC serves one FCC Local Area. The LECC is comprised of an executive with decision-making authority from every broadcast licensee, Cable TV firm, and representatives of other communications services providing, servicing or managing emergency telecommunications. This may include the Public Safety, Amateur, Common Carrier, Radio Common Carrier, cellular telephone, paging, Business, Civil Air Patrol, Forestry, Special Industrial, Citizens and other Radio Services. The Primary purpose of an LECC is to prepare and maintain a viable EAS Plan and EAS system. The secondary benefit of the LECC is to bring together the Key people necessary to successful communications to support warnings and emergency information to and for the public. Each LECC shall have a Chair appointed by the SECC and confirmed by the FCC; the LECC may choose to elect its Chair. The Chair, in turn, appoints the Vice-Chair(s). One Vice-Chair must be from a local cable television company. Larger committees having many stations may consider having a separate Vice-Chair for CATV, AM, FM, and TV stations -- or combinations thereof. In any event, a Vice-Chair must be from the cable television industry serving in that Emergency Communications Area.