Plastic Optical Fiber POF
An optical Fiber made of plastic. In large-diameter fibers, 96% of the cross section is the Core that allows the Transmission of light. Similar to traditional Glass fiber, POF transmits Light (or data) through the core of the fiber. The core size of POF is in some cases 100 times larger than glass fiber.
POF has been called the “consumer” Optical Fiber because the fiber and associated optical links, connectors, and installation are all inexpensive. The traditional PMMA fibers are commonly used for low-speed, short-distance applications such Digital home appliance interfaces, home networks, and car networks. The perfluorinated polymer fibers are commonly used for much higher-speed applications such as Data center wiring and building LAN wiring.
POF assemblies possess special characteristics that make this product an ideal solution for applications which traditional glass fiber products are not well suited. For applications requiring a very tight bend radius, POF products can generally bend to 25mm with no excessive attenuation. For Visible Light Laser applications, POF assemblies can transmit the signal such that it is visible to the human eye, making the user aware of its attachment to an active laser and allowing them to avoid associated dangers. POF products also have a very wide Tolerance for scratching and contamination from the field. This tolerance allows the product to perform at acceptable level despite some compromise in physical condition.